We love the summer – as long as we don’t get circulation problems and headaches from the heat. With our tips you can protect yourself from them!
Summer, sun, beach – headaches? Not all people can enjoy the hot temperatures because they are susceptible to heat-related headaches and circulatory problems. So, to really enjoy the summer, you should follow these tips:
1. Drink a lot – but really!
Through the heat we lose a lot of water through sweating. The blood no longer flows so well through the body and the blood vessels dilate – which in turn can lead to a drop in blood pressure. Especially for people who are tormented by low blood pressure anyway, this can be dangerous and lead to headaches, among other things. So we have to make sure that our fluid intake does not stop. We should drink at least two to three litres of water a day – preferably in small portions in a glass. This is because the body can absorb them better.
2. Avoid brain freeze
Ever heard of the brain freeze? The so-called brain freeze occurs when we eat ice-cold food too fast. This can cause a cold stimulus on the palate or the mucous membrane of the mouth – which in turn can result in sudden, stabbing headaches. Nobody therefore has to do without ice cream and the like in summer, but we should eat it slowly.
3. Consider fragrances
Even those who do not wear perfume on the beach often come into contact with fragrances through sun cream. At high temperatures, these substances have a more intensive effect, but also a shorter duration. If you are sensitive to odours, it is better to avoid them in hot weather – fragrances are known to cause headaches.
4. Don’t forget the hat!
You should always wear a hat when you go out in the sun. An unprotected head not only increases the risk of sunburn, but also of sunstroke, which can cause severe headaches. Small children, elderly people and people with very short hair or bald heads are particularly at risk. But even with a thick head of hair you should rather not take the risk!
5. Beware of temperature changes
At home, thanks to air conditioning, the temperature is a pleasant 22 degrees, but as soon as you step outside, you are literally crushed by a 33 degree “wall”? Such extreme temperature changes quickly push our bodies to their limits. Even a temperature difference of five degrees can cause severe headaches. If you have to expose yourself to this, you should try to stay in the shade and protect your head (see point four 😉 ).