Is The Superfood Coconut Oil Really Poison?

In a series of lectures, nutrition expert and professor Dr. Karin Michels demonizes the alleged superfood coconut oil as pure poison. What is true about this statement?

Good for memory, skin, cholesterol… In recent years coconut oil has developed into a supposed all-rounder. But what’s the real point of this superfood?

Nutrition expert and Professor Dr. Karin Michels, Director of the Institute of Prevention and Tumour Epidemiology at the University Hospital in Freiburg, has a clear opinion on this: “Coconut oil is one of the worst things you can eat!

Coconut oil as a miracle cure?

In her series of lectures on “Prevention – for a healthy life” Michels criticises the positive image that advertising paints of the oil. Studies show that, for example, the lauric acid contained in coconut oil helps you lose weight and that coconut oil can have antibacterial effects. The problem according to Michels: None of these effects have been proven by studies on humans.

According to the expert, even lard is healthier than coconut oil. The reason: coconut fat is one of the saturated fatty acids. These can be recognized by the fact that they become solid at room temperature – like butter, for example. And saturated fatty acids can increase the risk of heart disease because they can help clog the coronary arteries. Dr. Karin Michel’s harsh verdict: “Coconut oil is the pure poison.” We should give saturated fats a wide berth.

Is there an alternative?

Instead of coconut oil, the expert recommends using oils with unsaturated fatty acids for cooking and frying. Olive oil and rapeseed oil, for example, are suitable for this. But linseed and fish oil are also good, because they contain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids – these have many positive effects on our health and the body cannot produce them itself.

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