With our back exercises you can strengthen your back and prevent back pain without much effort. We will show you how you can do an effective back training at home and without any equipment.
Back pain is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide. This is mainly due to office work, as we spend an average of 7.5 hours a day sitting. This automatically leads to our muscles breaking down and back problems are pre-programmed.
Researchers have found that just one hour of exercise a day is worth eight hours of sitting. The forearm support and the back extensor are among the classics of low back pain. We also recommend the following exercises, which strengthen both your back muscles and your spine and are therefore an optimal workout for building muscle.
Pelvic lifting
Pelvic lifting is one of the back exercises that also strengthen the gluteal muscles. In the starting position, you lie on your back and put your legs up about shoulder width. Your arms are stretched out beside your body with the palms of your hands facing down.
Then you lift your pelvis until your upper body and thighs form a straight line. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower your pelvis slowly without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise about 15 times to effectively strengthen your back muscles.
Pelvic lifting with leg lifting
To make pelvic lifting a little more demanding and put more strain on your back muscles, you can shift your weight to your left leg and extend your right leg. Make sure that your pelvis remains straight. For optimal back training, you should also include 15 repetitions of this exercise and then change legs.
Lateral leg raising
Lateral leg lifting is also one of the very effective back exercises for strengthening the back muscles. Lie on your side and support your head with either your hands or a pillow. Then lift your legs off the floor in a closed position and hold this position for a few seconds.
Then slowly lay them down on the mat again and repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times. Then change sides. Positive side effect: The abdominal muscles are also trained with this exercise.
Side support
The side support is a back exercise that not only stabilizes the back muscles but also ensures a slim waist. In the starting position, you are in the lateral position and support your body on the left forearm. You can use your right arm for stabilization. The lower leg is slightly bent, the upper leg is stretched out over it.
Then you tense your stomach a little and lift your pelvis so that your left lower leg remains on the floor. Lift the upper leg and let it sink down again together with the pelvis. Repeat this back exercise 10 to 15 times and then change sides to give your back muscles an optimal workout.
Four-footed stand
The four-footed stand is a classic among the back exercises and is so popular because you can train your abdominal muscles with it at the same time. In the starting position, you lean on both arms and bend your elbows slightly.
Then stretch your right leg straight backwards and your left arm forwards so that they form a line. Your gaze is directed downwards. Hold this position for a few seconds and then bring your knee and elbow together under your body. After 15 to 20 repetitions you can change sides.
Back swing
In the starting position of this back exercise you sit in the middle of the mat and pull your legs against your body. Grab your knees with your hands and roll slowly onto your back until your shoulders almost touch the floor.
Then you swing back again until you are almost sitting upright again and then let yourself fall back again. To train your back muscles optimally, you should repeat the exercise about 10 times.