These 7 Foods Prolong Your Life

We all want to live as long and healthy as possible. In order to protect our health and thus reach a high age, these foods are suitable!

Do you also sometimes imagine yourself as an old woman sitting happily in the garden watching your grandchildren play? To make sure that this idea of a pleasant old age does not remain a dream, there are many things we can do. For example, we can change our diet: There are many foods that can improve our health and thus ensure a long life. We present the seven best of them.

7 foods for a long life

If you want to live long, you should have these foods on your plate often:

1. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts have many calories – but they owe these to the very healthy unsaturated fatty acids they contain. Cells and brain depend on them to maintain their functions, and they also lower bad LDL cholesterol. Some of the polyunsaturated fatty acids also inhibit inflammation.

2. Salmon

Our heart loves salmon, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains. These protect against arteriosclerosis, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Tip: Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in many other high-fat fish such as herring or mackerel.

3. Green leafy vegetables

Broccoli, spinach and chard have two things in common: they are green leafy vegetables and protect the heart by preventing calcification of the blood vessels. They also contain essential folic acid. This belongs to the B vitamins and is needed in the body for various metabolic processes.

4. Milk

To keep our bones strong and to prevent osteoporosis, we need calcium. Milk and dairy products such as cheese or yoghurt contain plenty of it and should therefore be on the menu in small quantities every day. Just one glass of milk and two slices of cheese cover the daily requirement of calcium.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain the carotenoid lycopene, which is one of the so-called antioxidants and renders dangerous free radicals harmless. These promote oxidative stress, which can accelerate skin ageing and promote various diseases such as arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

6. Quinoa

Quinoa is a small marvel of nutrients: It’s full of protein, iron, magnesium and potassium. Among other things, this supports the oxygen supply to the cells and regulates the water balance. Quinoa also contains complex carbohydrates and thus a lot of fibre. The advantage of these is that, unlike pasta or rice, they only allow the blood sugar level to rise slowly, thus preventing ravenous appetite and thus preventing obesity. With quinoa, the body is well supplied until old age!

7. Dark chocolate

At first glance, it doesn’t seem to fit in with the other life-prolongers, but in fact, dark chocolate makes a meaningful contribution to a healthy life into old age. Because if its cocoa content is over 70 percent, it is full of healthy antioxidants, just like tomatoes. And that’s not all: dark chocolate also has a positive effect on the level of bad LDL cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

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