Darken Windows: 4 Simple Options

Good sleep is one of the most important areas in life. But what if the room is too bright? Here you can learn how to darken windows.

Darken windows: Background

A dark room not only gives you better chances to sleep. In summer, the light can also shine in through the window so that the room warms up accordingly. Therefore, for many people a window, which is opaque, is an absolute must. Last but not least, you may not want to be observed by neighbours or other people from outside.

Darken windows: Preparation

  • No matter which method you prefer for darkening, the first thing you should do is to take the measurements of your windows. This will make it easier for you in the next steps to implement the possibilities of darkening.
  • If you want to hang fabric over the windows, you should also measure the frame. Add about 15 cm to the width and 10 cm to the height if you prefer curtains or blinds.
  • If you want to darken directly at the window, you only need the dimensions of the windows. However, these should then be measured very well and precisely. There are various possibilities for darkening. In this article, we present four simple ways to fix the windows.

Darken windows: 4 simple options

  • Aluminium foil
  • Insect protection
  • Substance
  • Curtains and blinds

1. Aluminium foil

Aluminium foil has established itself as a do-it-yourself method of darkening. There are two practical reasons for this: The foil is opaque, so that not only light but also heat is kept away from the room.

  1. Cut out the film according to the dimensions of the windows (without frame).
  2. If you have larger windows, cut out several parts accordingly.
  3. Put the shiny side outside so that the matt side attracts the heat.
  4. Now stick the film to the window frame with adhesive tape and make sure that there is no free space

2. Insect protection

With a fly net you can easily darken windows and also have the advantage that it is easy to remove and offers protection against insects, especially in summer.

  1. Cut a fly net to fit the dimensions of your windows.
  2. Make sure that the net reaches about one centimetre from the frame and fix it at the upper points with adhesive tape.
  3. Gradually smooth it out from the top to the sides and fix the parts with tape.

3. Substance

A very practical method for darkening is fabric. You can use materials such as towels or duvet covers. Disadvantage: You have to reattach the fabric every time you want to open the windows.

  1. Open the window and lay the fabric over the frame so that it protrudes a little bit outside and you can still close the window.
  2. Close the window and make sure that the fabric is stuck both at the top and the sides.

4. Curtains and blinds

  • Curtains can block a lot of light if they are made of heavy fabric. To fix the curtains there are poles that you put above the window. Note, however, that curtains usually leave a gap to the window so that the room is not completely darkened.
  • Venetian blinds, roller blinds or pleated blinds, on the other hand, have the advantage that you can attach them directly to the window. However, while roller blinds often have small slits, pleated blinds are made of very thin material that does not completely block the light.
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