Sore Throat: Where Does It Come from and What Helps?

What causes can a sore throat have what helps us best? Find out everything you need to know about sore throats here.

If it hurts in the throat, it is usually not an independent disease. Here are the possible causes:

  • Especially in the cold seasons, sore throats are a harbinger of a cold. Cold viruses can persist for a long time, especially at low temperatures. The sore throat is followed by a cold and a dry, then slimy cough.
  • If high fever (over 38 degrees) occurs in addition to the sore throat, this is a sign of viral flu. Just like cold viruses, influenza viruses can survive for a particularly long time at low temperatures. Here you will find tips on how to measure fever.
  • The throat complaints occur more frequently when it is cold, because the cold air hits the mucous membrane of the throat directly through mouth breathing. If we breathe through the nose, the air is warmed and filtered beforehand. But when we have a cold or do sports outdoors, the pure cold air hits the mucous membranes and quickly leads to inflammation.
  • But it is not always just a cold that goes hand in hand with a sore throat. Diseases such as glandular fever also go hand in hand with sore throats. This infection causes the lymph nodes in the neck to swell. Normally the glandular fever heals itself. In some cases it can drag on for months – in which case it is important to consult a doctor.

Sore throat: Inflammation of the neck

There are also a number of sore throats, which include severe sore throats. These include:

  • Tonsillitis
  • Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx)
  • Pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat)

Symptoms of sore throat

In case of a sore throat, the mucous membrane of the throat is very swollen. In the case of tonsillitis, purulent spots also form on the palatine tonsils. A laryngitis is usually accompanied by hoarseness, as the vocal chords are also affected by the inflammation. You can recognise an inflammation of the throat by severe redness and swelling of the throat, which can be very painful.

In cases of persistent or recurring pain, flu and painful sore throat, you should consult a doctor. First of all, the way leads to a general practitioner. This will prescribe antibiotics in severe cases. In more serious cases, he will refer you to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Sore throat: Home remedy against pain

Usually sore throats are harmless and are history after one to three days. If the pain becomes too uncomfortable, there are numerous home remedies for sore throats that can help to relieve your discomfort.

  • Sucking promotes the production of saliva. Constant moistening of the throat can relieve sore throats
  • Gargling with tea or lukewarm salt water
  • Drink a lot – preferably water and tea (sage, thyme, lime blossom)
  • A ginger tea with fresh lemon and honey also relieves sore throats
  • Inhalation with steam
  • Neck wrap with potatoes or curd
  • Chewing a clove of garlic has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect
  • Warmth – always keep your chest and neck area warm With these home remedies you will not only fight the sore throat alone, but also colds in general.

It can also be dangerous

A lot of caution is required in the case of epiglottitis! This can quickly take a dramatic course – there is a danger of suffocation. Mostly infants fall ill with it.

But children, adolescents and adults can also be affected. In the meantime, there is a vaccine against the trigger of the epiglottitis, which has led to a sharp decline in the disease.

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