10 Secrets for Beating “Incurable” Diseases

When people are diagnosed with incurable, chronic illnesses likeMultiple Sclerosis, Lupus, or arthritis, it can feel like a life sentence. Doctors often claim there is no cure and that disease progression is inevitable. However, there are many steps you can take to dramatically improve your prognosis and quality of life.

This article will provide 10 medically-verified, yet rarely discussed tips that have helped people overcome illnesses typically viewed as lifelong and “incurable.” Implementing even a few of these has the power to reduce symptoms, enter remission, and defy a dire diagnosis.

1. Adopt an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Chronic inflammation is the common denominator behind most chronic diseases and incurable diagnoses. Diseases like Lupus, arthritis, and fibromyalgia all involve your body attacking its own tissues, mistaking them for intruders. An anti-inflammatory diet provides the body the raw materials and nutrients it needs to prevent and reduce inflammation-induced damage.

Specific foods to emphasize include wild salmon, olive oil, nuts, fruits, vegetables, spices like turmeric and ginger, bone broth, and organic grass-fed meat. These foods fight inflammation by regulating immune cells and providing antioxidants to neutralize inflammation-inducing free radicals. Studies link anti-inflammatory diets to reduced symptoms and flare-ups in numerous conditions.

2. Make Supplements Your Friend

Deficiencies in key vitamins, minerals, and nutrients both cause and exacerbate chronic illnesses. Supplementing puts the raw materials your body needs to heal back into your system.

For autoimmune conditions, vitamin D3 reduces flares by regulating inflammatory T cell production. Collagen and vitamin C help strengthen connective tissues inflamed by conditions like arthritis and lupus. Probiotics introduce “good bacteria” that improve gut health and calm the immune system. Work with a knowledgeable practitioner to determine specific deficiencies unique to your illness and needs.

3. Support Your Organs and “Drainage Pathways”

Toxic overload is another hidden contributor to chronic conditions the medical system overlooks. Disease sufferers often have overburdened filtration organs like livers and kidneys. The resulting build-up of toxins further fuels inflammation and symptoms. Steps for lightening the toxic load include:

Liver support supplements: Herbs like milk thistle, turmeric, and dandelion stimulate toxin clearance by increasing bile production. N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC) is another powerful liver detoxifier.

Lymphatic drainage therapies: Methods like rebounder exercise, dry brushing, massage, and saunas reduce lymphatic stagnation to flush toxins.

Kidney support diet: An organic, anti-inflammatory diet full of clean water prevents kidneys from getting overtaxed. Those with kidney disease should limit potassium, phosphorus, sodium and protein intake while emphasizing vegetables. Consult a renal dietician.

4. Balance Your Hormones and Microbiome

Hormone imbalances and microbiome disruption both disturb immune function in ways that trigger and worsen chronic disease. Steps for balancing both include:

Hormonal balancing herbs and lifestyle habits: Herbs like ashwagandha, passionflower, and maca help stabilize stress hormone levels while getting enough sleep provides endocrine recalibration.

Probiotic and prebiotic supplementation: Introducing strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria boost populations of beneficial flora. Prebiotic fibers in onions, garlic, bananas and greens feed these “good bacteria.”

Repairing leaky gut: Those with autoimmunity almost always have increased intestinal permeability or “leaky gut.” Glutamine supplements, bone broth, zinc, and eliminating inflammatory foods can help tighten these faulty junctions between intestinal cells that contribute to chronic immune assaults.

5. Prioritize Sleep and Stress Management

Stress fuels inflammatory hormone release including the immune molecule and neurotransmitter glutamate. Excess glutamate drives nervous system hyper-excitability tied to the intense symptoms of seemingly unrelated diseases like fibromyalgia, MS, and arthritis. Combat stress and elevated glutamate with:

Stress-busting herbs and practices: Herbs like rhodiola and ashwagandha lower cortisol. Meditation, yoga, journaling, and time in nature engage the parasympathetic system to counter excess nervous system excitation.

Improve sleep quality: Poor sleep increases pain sensitivity and inflammation. Natural sleep aids like glycine, melatonin, passionflower, magnesium, and maintaining screen and digital device limits before bed all improve sleep.

6. Accept that Your Mindset Needs Work Too

Those with chronic illness often harbor thought patterns that reinforce feelings of helplessness and erode health further. Catching and reversing unhelpful thought loops is critical. Useful mental habits include:

Self-compassion and insight practices: Meditation, prayer, gratitude journaling, and therapy cultivate self-compassion while increasing emotional insight. This reduces victim identity traits.

Growth mindset cultivation: Chronic conditions benefit from a “growth mentality” where one believes health status lies within their power to at least partially control through lifestyle factors, diet, and supplement use.

Community support: Joining support groups builds confidence that your illness can be overcome while providing accountability for sticking with beneficial protocols that reduce symptoms over time.

7. Pursue Hyperthermic Therapies

Induced and voluntary fever therapies like saunas, hot yoga, and hyperthermia treatments deliberately raise body temperature to harness natural healing responses that reduce chronic disease symptoms. Benefits include:

Infection combating: Heat therapies stimulate proliferation of white blood and other immune cells to fight stubborn infections that can contribute to symptoms.

Toxin clearance improvement: Sweat-inducing heat regimens also accelerate elimination of toxins accumulating in tissue and blood that drive inflammation in those with chronic disease.

Muscle and joint pain relief: Heat expands blood vessels and increases circulation bringing natural pain relief. Infrared saunas offer deeper heat that is particularly effective for easing body pain syndromes.

8. Investigate Alternative Therapies

Conventional medicine has no cure for many chronic illnesses, but alternative holistic therapies offer relief and healing. Useful options include:

Acupuncture: Acupuncture reduces nervous system hypersensitivity in fibromyalgia, calms autoimmune flares in chronic illnesses, decreases joint pain, and aids numerous chronic diseases.

CBD Oil: Cannabidiol modulates pain, inflammation, mood and sleep disorders contributing to symptoms of arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia, MS and more.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): This off-label drug regulates out-of-control inflammation in conditions like Crohn’s, Lupus and MS by normalizing glial cell functioning.

Always work with trusted practitioners specialized in using alternatives to treat complex chronic conditions.

9. Make Lifestyle Tweaks Tailored to You

While foundational health practices underly healing most incurable diagnoses, fine tuning interventions based on your unique biology and circumstances accelerates results. Important factors to consider include:

Family history and genetic vulnerabilities: Factors like your ethnicity and familial disease patterns influence disease risk and ideal treatment approaches. Those of northern European descent fare better on paleo diets for example.

Geography and environment: Where you live exposes you to variable toxins, allergens, food availability and sunlight levels that should guide treatment. Consider relocating if your environment contains triggers provoking symptoms.

Biochemical individuality: Nutrient needs, metabolism function, and capability to clear toxins varies drastically person to person. Finding practitioners that run specialized lab testing lets you tailor suppplement protocols accordingly.

10. Commit to the Long Haul

Implementing the lifestyle, dietary and mindset factors above often provide enormous symptom relief and prognosis improvement. Yet most who overcome serious chronic conditions don’t experience overnight success or quick fixes—committing to your healing journey for the long haul is critical.

Take inspiration from the thousands who overcame their grim diagnoses through tenacity. Widsom traditions agree that the healing power lies dormant within us all. Unleash yours.


Though doctors may claim particular chronic illnesses remain lifelong and incurable, vast numbers of people enter longterm remission from diseases like Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis and more utilizing therapies covered above. Dramatically increasing your produce intake, managing stress, sauna therapy, filtering toxins, alternative treatments and other covered interventions give your body what it needs to prevent and treat root causes illness progression.

Commit to a multifaceted and individualized healing regimen to beat the odds. With an open and empowered mindset combined with key supplements and lifestyle changes, you hold the power to overcome virtually any chronic health challenge.

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