Fennel Tea: Application and Effect

Fennel tea can be a good help for many complaints. You can find out everything about its use and effects here.

Fennel Tea: Preparation

You will get the best effect of fennel tea if you prepare it fresh. All you need are fennel seeds and a mortar to crush them. And here’s how it works:

  1. Reduce about two teaspoons of the seeds and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them.
  2. Let the mixture steep for about 8 minutes.
  3. Then pass the tea through a sieve and season with caraway or aniseed if necessary.

Healthy Active Ingredients of Fennel

Fennel tea contains many healthful essential oils and secondary plant compounds. Especially the following active ingredients stand out:

  • Anethole
  • Fenchon
  • Flavonoids
  • Coumarins
  • Phenol Carboxylic Acids
  • Sterols

Fennel Tea: Effect

  • Digestion: Fennel tea is a real weapon against cramps and flatulence. The tea stimulates digestion and relieves stomach cramps. The tea can also help women during menstruation to relieve discomfort. The positive effects are mainly caused by the active ingredient fenchon. Together with the aniseed active ingredient “Trans-Anethol” they inhibit the spread of fungi and bacteria.
  • Colds: Especially for colds, the tea has an expectorant effect. Anethole fights tense bronchial tubes and transports the mucus out of the respiratory tract.
  • Breastfeeding: Fennel tea is not only antibacterial, but also promotes the production of milk secretion. Children can also use fennel as a healthy household remedy for colds, stomach aches and fever.
  • Anti-inflammatory: In general you can always use fennel to inhibit inflammatory diseases, for asthma or as a diuretic.

Fennel Tea: Side Effect

  • Allergy: People who are allergic to celery are likely to get rashes and breathing problems even with fennel.
  • Liver cancer in animals: In experiments, fennel has been shown in concentrated and isolated form to cause genetic changes and liver cancer in rodents. However, the results cannot be transferred to humans, as we consume mixed substances and also react quite differently from animals.

Is Fennel Tea Healthy?

  • As already shown with the side effects, the consumption of fennel is not completely undisputed. But as always, the quantity makes the poison. Pregnant women and small children in particular should not consume more than 250 millilitres per day. All others orientate themselves on 2-3 cups per day as upper limit.
  • Just make sure you have a good change in your diet and don’t drink the same thing every day. And always prefer the selection of organic teas, as they contain less pesticides.
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