How to Get Gum Out of Clothes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever found gum stuck to your clothes? It can be frustrating and tough to remove, especially if you don’t know the right method. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to get gum out of clothes, so you can restore your favorite garment back to its original condition.

Understanding the Type of Fabric

Before we dive into the methods, it’s essential to understand the type of fabric you’re dealing with. Different fabrics require different treatments. You don’t want to damage your clothes by using the wrong method. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Cotton, Linen, and Synthetic Materials: These fabrics are generally durable and can withstand most treatments.
  • Wool and Silk: These fabrics are more delicate and require a gentler approach.

Method 1: Freezing

Freezing is a simple yet effective way to remove gum from clothes. Follow these steps:

  1. Place the affected garment in a plastic bag, seal it tightly, and put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  2. Take the garment out of the freezer and check the gum. It should be hard and brittle now.
  3. Use a dull knife or credit card to gently scrape off the gum. Be careful not to damage the fabric.
  4. Once you remove most of the gum, use a stain remover or dish soap to clean the residue.

Method 2: Heat

Heat is another effective way to remove gum from clothes. However, it’s not suitable for all fabrics. Avoid using this method on delicate fabrics like wool and silk. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Put a folded towel or cloth over the gum.
  2. Use a hairdryer on the hottest setting and blow-dry the gum for a few minutes. The heat will soften the gum.
  3. Once the gum is soft, use a dull knife or credit card to scrape it off gently.
  4. Use a stain remover or dish soap to clean any remaining residue.

Method 3: Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural and safe way to remove gum from clothes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Soak the affected area in white vinegar for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or cloth to gently scrub the gum.
  3. Once you remove most of the gum, use a stain remover or dish soap to clean any remaining residue.

Method 4: Peanut Butter

Peanut butter may sound like an unusual method, but it’s effective in removing gum from clothes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Apply a generous amount of peanut butter on the affected area.
  2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or cloth to gently scrub the gum.
  3. Once you remove most of the gum, use a stain remover or dish soap to clean any remaining residue.

Method 5: Commercial Gum Remover

If the above methods don’t work, you can try a commercial gum remover. However, it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully and test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to avoid damaging the fabric.

Tips for Removing Gum from Clothes

When it comes to removing gum from clothes, acting quickly is key. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to remove the gum. As soon as you notice the gum on your clothes, try to remove it as soon as possible. This will increase the chances of successfully removing the gum without causing any damage to the fabric.

Hot water can be helpful in softening the gum, making it easier to remove. However, before using hot water, make sure to check the care label of your garment. Not all fabrics can handle hot water, and using hot water on the wrong fabric can cause irreparable damage. If hot water is safe to use, soak the affected area in hot water for several minutes before attempting to remove the gum.

Be patient and persistent when trying to remove gum from clothes. Removing gum can take some time, and it may take several attempts to completely remove the gum. A soft-bristled toothbrush can be a useful tool for gently scrubbing away the gum. Apply a small amount of liquid detergent or dish soap to the toothbrush and gently scrub the gum in a circular motion. This should help break down the gum and make it easier to remove.

Avoid using heat, such as an iron or dryer, until you have successfully removed the gum. Heat can cause the gum to melt and spread, making it even more difficult to remove. It can also cause the gum to bond with the fabric, making it almost impossible to remove. Once you have successfully removed the gum, you can safely use heat to dry your clothes.

There are many specialized products available for removing gum from clothes, such as gum removers and stain removers. These products can be very effective, but make sure to follow the instructions carefully. Some products may require you to apply them to the gum and let them sit for several minutes before attempting to remove the gum. Others may require you to apply heat to the affected area. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them closely to avoid damaging your clothes.

In addition to these tips, there are a few other things you can do to make removing gum from clothes easier. First, try to scrape off as much of the gum as possible with a dull knife or spoon. This will help remove any excess gum and make the gum easier to treat. Second, avoid rubbing or scrubbing the gum too hard, as this can damage the fabric. Finally, be careful not to spread the gum to other areas of the garment while you are trying to remove it.


Gum on clothes can be a headache, but with the right method and a bit of patience, you can remove it easily. Remember to identify the fabric type first and choose the appropriate method. Whether it’s freezing, heat, vinegar, peanut butter, or a commercial gum remover, you can restore your clothes back to their original condition.


Q: Will rubbing alcohol remove gum from clothes?

A: Rubbing alcohol is an effective method to remove gum, but it’s not suitable for all fabrics. Avoid using it on delicate fabrics like wool and silk.

Q: Can I use a washing machine to remove gum from clothes?

A: It’s not recommended to use a washing machine to remove gum from clothes as it can spread the gum to other areas of the garment or the machine itself.

Q: How do I prevent gum from sticking to my clothes?

A: To prevent gum from sticking to your clothes, avoid sitting on it or keep it away from your clothes. You can also keep a small pack of tissues or wet wipes handy to remove gum immediately if it accidentally sticks to your clothes.

Q: Can I use the same method to remove gum from upholstery or carpet?

A: The methods mentioned in this article are primarily for clothes. For upholstery or carpet, it’s recommended to use a specialized gum remover product.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally damage my clothes while removing gum?

A: If you accidentally damage your clothes while removing gum, stop the process immediately and take it to a professional cleaner. Trying to fix the damage yourself can make the situation worse.

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