Pressure in the Head: Common Causes and What to Do

Pressure in the head is a common symptom of a number of conditions, including stress, sinusitis, dental issues, and bad posture. However, it can also be a warning sign of a more serious condition, such as a concussion or sinus infection. If you experience constant pressure in the head, it is important to seek treatment from a neurologist.


A fever is the first symptom of meningitis, which is part of the body’s defense against infection. A fever associated with meningitis is usually above 103 degrees. Other signs of meningitis include a severe headache that doesn’t go away despite taking aspirin. In addition, a stiff neck can also be a sign of meningitis. This condition is also known as nuchal rigidity, and it can be difficult to move the neck or take a deep breath.

When the infection is bacterial, blood from the bloodstream can reach the brain and cause meningitis. This type of meningitis is also dangerous because the bacteria can cause blood clots. In severe cases, a person can fall into a coma. If left untreated, the infection can be fatal within 24 hours.


Sinusitis is inflammation of the air-filled cavities in the head and face. The condition can be caused by an allergy or by the buildup of mucus. Infections that affect the sinuses can cause pressure, pain, and fever. The condition can also cause a bad breath. Fortunately, sinusitis is treatable.

The condition often occurs after a cold or viral upper respiratory infection. Other symptoms include a decreased sense of smell, pain in the upper teeth, and thick nasal mucus. In severe cases, the pain may become worse with coughing or bending over. If left untreated, sinusitis can cause a headache or migraine that lasts for hours or days.


Stress is a very real problem, and it can affect us in many ways. It affects our sleep, and can increase the production of stress hormones. It can also affect our mental health, and there are many different ways to deal with it. Talking with others or going to a therapist can help you deal with stress better. Other effective ways to deal with stress include managing your time better, updating to-do lists, and delegating tasks.

People who are constantly under stress are more likely to experience headaches. Stress is a major trigger of tension-type headaches, migraines, and other types of headache. You can prevent some types of headaches with simple relaxation techniques.


If you suspect that you may have suffered a concussion, you should go to a doctor as soon as possible. You will need to undergo a series of tests to diagnose the condition. These tests may include a neurological examination, tests to determine sensitivity to light, and tests to measure strength and reflexes. A medical doctor can also perform a neuropsychological examination to assess the severity of the concussion.

Physical therapy is one way to treat a concussion. It can also help with cervical spine issues. In some cases, a soft foam neck brace may help immobilize the neck. You can also apply ice or heat to reduce pain. Injections of lidocaine or steroids may also help reduce neck pain. Your healthcare provider can tell you more about the best treatment for your specific symptoms and recommend a treatment plan that works best for you.

High blood pressure

If you are experiencing high blood pressure in your head, the most important thing you can do is to contact your doctor immediately. Your doctor will be able to check your blood pressure and recommend the best treatment options for your particular situation. Your doctor can also prescribe you acetaminophen or aspirin for relief.

Various conditions can cause high blood pressure in the head. In some cases, it is a symptom of severe or mild traumatic brain injury. The resulting damage can cause a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in high blood pressure in the head or other parts of the body. Depending on the cause of the condition, symptoms can be short-term or long-term. While the condition isn’t life-threatening, it can cause long-term complications, so it’s essential to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Excessive stretching

If you experience a pressure headache, there are a few things that you can do to help relieve the discomfort. First, you should call your doctor. You should seek treatment immediately if your symptoms are severe or if they occur frequently. In addition to a doctor’s visit, you can also try physical exercises and breathing techniques to calm your body and mind. These activities will release neurotransmitters and hormones that will help you feel better. Also, you should decrease your time spent around bright lights and loud noises.

There are many reasons why a person experiences pressure in the head, including upper respiratory infection, sinusitis, or allergies. It can also be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a brain aneurysm or injury. If you feel pressure in your head and it doesn’t go away after a few days, see a doctor for a checkup.

Treatment options

If you experience pain, pressure, or throbbing in the head, you need to seek medical attention immediately. This symptom is caused by a variety of conditions, including allergies, upper respiratory infections, and sinusitis. Sometimes, this symptom is also caused by an injury to the brain, such as a concussion. However, some people experience this condition as a result of a more serious medical condition, such as a brain aneurysm. In such cases, it is important to seek medical care and discuss treatment options.

Pressure in the head is common in adults. Some people may have a sinus infection or an ear infection. However, if this symptom persists for more than 14 days in a row, it’s wise to seek medical attention. It may be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as a head infection or inflammation in the eustachian tube. While most cases of pressure in the head are treatable with over-the-counter pain medications, serious conditions should be evaluated by a doctor.

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