5 Tips for Nail Growth

Well-groomed and long nails are the common dream of many women. However, we must tell you from the very beginning that there is unfortunately no miraculous product or cure that can lengthen nails instantly or overnight. If you want to lengthen your nails, you should take care of them regularly and protect them from hard blows.

The length of each individual’s nails is different from each other. The growth rate of nails is around one millimeter per month. However, you can help your nails grow faster and healthier than normal by using nail extension products or applying natural nail extension methods.

In this article, we have sought answers to the questions of “how do nails grow”, “what are the natural nail extension methods that can be applied at home”. If you are ready, let’s get started without wasting any time!

Nail Growth Methods: 5 Natural Remedies at Home

1. Olive oil

If you want your nails to grow fast and healthy, you should not neglect to moisturize them. Olive oil is one of the most effective natural products for moisturizing nails. Olive oil nourishes the nails and helps them grow in a healthier way. Moreover, it is very easy to apply.

All you have to do is gently rub your nails with olive oil.

Olive oil provides the moisture it needs by penetrating the nail and surrounding skin during this application. You can do this application before going to bed at night. You can get much more effective results if you wear gloves and sleep.

Another method is to dip the nails into a container filled with olive oil 2-3 times a week and wait for 15 minutes. Nails are almost saturated with moisture thanks to this application.

If you wish, you can add a few drops of vitamin E into olive oil. This increases blood circulation around the nail. If there is a previous break or damage to the nail, this cure will shorten the healing process.

2. Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium and B group vitamins. All these vitamins and minerals help nails grow healthy and fast.

Flaxseed has another positive effect on nails. It prevents nails from cracking and splitting into two.

It is quite easy to apply linseed oil to the nails. All you have to do is rub your nails gently for a few minutes with this oil. That is all!

If you do this application regularly every day, your nails will grow in a very short time and gain a healthy appearance.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil, like olive oil, contributes to the healthy and rapid growth of nails. This oil both meets the moisture needed by the nails and nourishes them thanks to the components it contains. It also repairs breakage and damage to nails.

There are different ways to apply coconut on nails. The simplest method is to rub the nails with coconut oil before going to bed, then put on gloves and go to bed.

If you wish, let’s move on to the recipe for another, much more effective cure. For this cure, you will need coconut oil, as well as honey and rosemary oil.

How to apply this cure

  • First, mix a quarter cup of coconut oil with the same amount of honey and 4 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Heat this mixture in the microwave for 20 minutes and then set it aside to cool.
  • Soak your nails in this mixture for 15 minutes. At the end of the period, clean your hands and do not forget to moisturize with a suitable moisturizer!
  • We recommend that you do this application 1-2 times a week for effective results.

4. Violet oil

One of the oils that is effective in lengthening nails is violet oil. By rubbing your nails with violet oil twice a week, you can help them grow in a much shorter time and in a healthy way.

5. Biotin supplement

Biotin supports the production of keratin. Keratin helps hair and nails grow faster. If you complain about the slow growth of your nails, you can use a biotin supplement from the pharmacy.

Biotin is also found in whole grain foods, carrots, eggs, milk, salmon, walnuts, almonds, oats, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, soybeans, lentils and strawberries. You can increase your biotin intake naturally by including more of these foods in your diet.

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