Does Makeup Expire?

We do not want to throw away our eye shadow, which we love so much, but unfortunately, like all good things, it has an end. Tips for understanding that makeup materials are expired…

What happens if you continue to use a makeup after its time has expired?

Your eyes may be irritated by your mascara as organisms reproduce in it. You may have an allergy on your eyelid from an overdue eyeshadow. If the foundation has expired and you insist on using it, itching and allergies may occur. If your powder has expired and you can’t bear to throw it away, it can exfoliate your skin and cause redness. If your lipstick has expired, your lips may peel and become puffy.


The opaque and moist mascara bottle is a very suitable environment for bacterial growth. We recommend that you smell it to see if the mascara has deteriorated. If there is a strange smell similar to the smell of gas, you should get rid of it as soon as possible. Even if you don’t smell gas, it would be wise to replace it every 3-4 months. It is important to protect the eyes, one of the most sensitive places in our body.


Whether the lipsticks are expired or not can be understood by looking at their smell and texture, like concealers. If it has a dry and altered appearance, it’s probably expired. Lipsticks can usually last up to 2 years.

Liquid Foundation

Liquid foundations can generally last up to 18 months. However, this period of course varies according to the content of the foundation. Water-based foundation can last up to 1 year, while oil-based liquid foundations can last up to 18 months. When buying liquid foundation, you should pay attention to the color. Do not buy bottles that show color changes. If the water-based liquid foundation dries out even though it doesn’t take long after you open it, you can add a few drops of non-alcoholic tonic to it.


We came to the eyes again. The duration of eyeshadows usually requires replacement every 2-3 months. You can always use this time to the fullest by using it with a clean brush or fingers. We know that it is very difficult to wash brushes after every makeup and most of us do not do this. However, the cleaning of makeup brushes is very important for our eyes and skin. The 5 minutes you don’t spend today will come back as a wrinkle 10 years later. You are very beautiful with wrinkles, but instead of regretting later, you may want to take precautions now.


Blush are long-lasting makeup materials, but that doesn’t mean they don’t spoil. You must adhere to the time on the packaging. Since powder blushes last longer than blushes with a creamy texture, you can choose them. It is important for their lifetime to store your blushes and all other makeup materials in a dark and moisture-free environment.


The color and texture of concealers give good information about whether they are spoiled or not. This period may vary depending on the type of concealer, which generally has a life of 1 year. We will recommend that you comply with the date written on the box and do not exceed this period after opening. While liquid concealers have a lifespan of 1 year, stick concealers can last up to 2 years. Before you use it, however, carefully examine its smell and texture.


As in mascara, we would like to remind you that eyes are precious in eyeliner. It is no joke, as it is one of the most sensitive places. Calmly throw away the eyeliners that have a chemical smell, changed texture, and are prone to clumping or sticking.

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