Best Ways to Clear Negative Energy with Salt

Tiring business planning, the chaos of the city, aggressive dialogues in bilateral relations, and sometimes a stand-alone PMS period! All of these are enough for us to be loaded with negative energies during the day. Sometimes even a calm shower, yoga or meditation cannot be effective in removing this bad energy from the body. We would like to introduce you to an effective method that you can apply at such moments.

Did you know that you can protect your body and living spaces from negative energies with salt? It is believed that the element salt, chemically called sodium chloride, carries electromagnetic waves that destroy negative energies thanks to the crystals in it. Let us remind you that salt is also effective on radiation!

So how can you use salt to get rid of bad energy? Here are our recommendations!

How to use salt for negative energy in the house?

At the end of the day, we are sure that the place where you seek peace is your home. The negative aura at home may not be good for your soul, and this may reflect in your body as headache, fatigue and nervousness. For this, our suggestion would be to put salt in a small bowl somewhere near the entrance door of your house. You can refresh this salt once a week or every ten days. You can also apply the same application to the entrance of your workplace.

While purifying negative energies with salt, we recommend that you get support from another cleanser, water. Add water to the bowl where you put salt, one to two inches deep, until it is completely filled. You can place this water in the room where you sleep or in the areas where you spend the most time during the day. You can refresh the water-salt mixture at the same day intervals.

By adding salt to your cleaning routine, you can protect your living spaces from negative energy. Add a tablespoon of salt to the water in which the floors of the house are wiped. You can also add calming essential oils if you wish. Like lavender and chamomile oil!

How to get rid of negative energy in the body with salt?

After cleansing your home, it’s time to bless the energy field in your body! The most basic recommendation for this is of course a salt bath! Add some salt to the tub; If you wish, you can also carry the essential oil application to the bathroom. You can light an incense or candle to crown your energy regeneration with aromatherapy.

If you don’t have time for a long tub bath, you can also add salt water to your shower routine. Take a shower in your usual routine and then wash your body with warm salt water that you have prepared in the last rinse. It is recommended not to apply this application to your head circumference, but to use it below the neck.

If you are used to preparing salt water only to relieve the pain of your feet after a tiring day, we recommend you to use it for negative energies as well. You will feel relaxed and lightened after a foot bath with salt water.

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