How to Cure Bad Breath in 3 Easy Steps

If chewing gums or mouth sprays aren’t the cure, it’s time to find a definitive solution to bad breath.

Bad breath is a very annoying problem. Most people struggling with this problem resort to mouth sprays or chewing gum to get rid of bad breath. However, such methods do not go beyond producing temporary solutions to the problem of bad breath. According to experts, even regular brushing may not be enough.

What causes bad breath?

The answer is volatile sulfur compounds. Experts think that these compounds are formed as a result of the interaction of bacteria in the mouth due to infections or gum disease.

These compounds, as well as language, pose a major problem, according to a report published in The Journal of Clinical Periodontology. The tongue with small pits and slits, which covers a large area in the mouth, prepares the ground for volatile sulfur compounds. The white layer that accumulates on the tongue, especially in the morning, can create quite annoying situations. The increase in breath odor in the morning is also due to this reason.

Here are the recommendations of experts on getting rid of bad breath…

1. You have to clean your tongue

Tongue cleaning removes bacteria that cause the formation of volatile sulfur compounds and reduces bad breath in the mouth. You can do this by simply brushing your tongue. A more effective method is to use tongue cleaners. Because when this process is done with a normal toothbrush, the bacteria that cause odor can spread to various points on the tongue rather than being cleaned. When tongue cleaning is done with a toothbrush, breath odor decreases by 33%, while this rate can go up to 42% when the same process is done with a tongue cleaner. In addition, the effects of tongue cleaner use are longer lasting.

2. You should use a toothbrush and dental floss twice a day

We know you’ve heard this advice over and over. Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day will clean the food residues and microorganisms in your mouth; thus preventing the formation of sulfur compounds. In addition, if you have ailments such as gingivitis and periodontitis, you should definitely see a specialist.

3. Never get dehydrated

When your mouth is dry, the dead cells on your gums and tongue cannot be cleaned because there is not enough saliva. Therefore, an increase is observed in bacteria in the mouth and therefore in sulfur compounds.

In order to prevent this situation, you can consume plenty of drinking water or rinse your mouth with clean water frequently. You can also use Biotene against dry mouth.

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