Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Foods to Eat During Your Last Trimester

The last three months of pregnancy (third trimester) is the month when the baby’s growth and development curve is most intense. As a result, the right choices that the mother will make about food choices; it is extremely important for the mother and baby to get through the period in a healthy way and to prepare for birth.

Protein Needs Increase

Amino acids, which form the cornerstones of growth and development, are formed by the digestion of proteins, which are the highest quality protein sources; animal foods such as cheese, eggs, fish, red meat, yogurt, milk.

The mother needs around 70 g of protein in this third trimester. Daily average; With 3 glasses of milk or yoghurt, 3 slices of cheese, 1 egg and 4 meatballs or 4 meatballs-sized meat, they can meet their protein needs in a quality way.

On behalf of the Baby’s Heart Health

Calcium, magnesium and potassium are minerals that directly affect the baby’s heart development and health. These minerals are indispensable for intercellular nerve transmission and the functioning of the heart muscle.

By consuming 2 bottles of mineral water daily; using oilseeds such as hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds; You can support your baby’s heart health by regularly including green leafy vegetables during the day and, of course, by consuming animal foods such as cheese, yogurt and milk, which are the best sources of calcium.

Don’t Neglect OMEGA 3 Fatty Acids

The level of Omega 3 fatty acids that the baby receives from the mother’s womb is of great importance for the development of mental functions and cognitive performance. Many studies draw attention to the fact that the level of Omega 3 taken in the womb is directly proportional to the level of IQ.

However, due to the fact that seafood, which is the best source of Omega 3, cannot be consumed comfortably in all seasons, the best step to be taken in this period will be the use of an Omega 3 supplement under the supervision of a doctor.

While this support positively affects the growth and development of the baby, it is also of great importance for visual functions and nerve repair. The mother, on the other hand, will start to prepare for the birth more comfortably by reducing her stress level during third trimester.

Edema Complaint

One of the most intense complaints of the third trimester is edema. Especially if the last period of pregnancy coincided with the summer months, it is a very probable problem with the effect of air temperatures. First of all, it will be able to tend to edema; Avoid foods such as olives, salty cheese, pickles and pay attention to fluid intake.

Although the pressure of the baby on the bladder and the mother’s need for frequent urination increase as the baby grows, fluid intake is critical in this period. Walking in the early hours of the morning or close to sunset will also help remove excess water from the body.

If You Have Reflux…

The gradual growth of the baby causes some problems in the mother’s digestive system. If you are complaining about the reflux problem caused by the pressure of gastric juices on the esophagus, some small measures can help you get through this period more easily.

Not consuming liquids before and during meals, avoiding sour and bitter foods in your diet, preferring cooked vegetables instead of raw, cooking fruits such as apples, pears, quince or consuming oily seeds such as hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds will greatly reduce your digestive problems.

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