9 Simple Ways to Reduce Water Retention (Edema)

Swelling in the legs, feet, hands and arms due to the accumulation of too much fluid in the body tissues is defined as edema (water retention). The edema problem, which can be experienced in kidney and liver diseases, results in the inability to remove excess fluid from the body. However, you can leave the edema problem behind by drinking plenty of water as well as consuming foods that relieve edema.

Swelling in the legs, feet, hands and arms due to the accumulation of too much fluid in the body tissues is known as edema. The fluid leaking from the veins into the tissues can affect not only certain parts of the body, but also the whole body. So, what are the methods to relieve water retention, what causes edema, what are the symptoms? We sought answers to all these questions and more for you…

Causes of Water Retention (Edema)

It is useful to have information about the factors that trigger the formation of water retention in the body before moving on to edema-reducing recommendations. The edema problem, which can be experienced in kidney and liver diseases, results in the inability to remove excess fluid from the body. Edema problems usually arise from the following reasons;

  • Consuming too much salty food
  • Always sitting or lying in the same position,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Using high blood pressure medication or diabetes medication,
  • Taking steroids or estrogen hormonal supplements,
  • Cirrhosis,
  • Kidney diseases,
  • Heart failure,
  • Prolonged protein deficiencies.

Symptoms of water retention include swelling in the arms and legs, a feeling of tension on the skin, pitting when pressing the swollen area with a finger, and enlargement of the abdomen. If you observe one or more of these symptoms, you should definitely consult your doctor and start an anti-edema treatment. Remember that the most important thing you need to do to protect yourself from every health problem is to switch to a healthy lifestyle. You need to eat healthy and get enough exercise throughout the day. You should keep in mind that exercising is also a very powerful edema reducer. You can age in a healthier way by making small changes in your life. For this, you need to take precautions even at a young age…

Foods with Edema Relief Effects

If water retention is caused by a chronic disease, an edematous treatment under the control of a doctor will definitely be needed.

  • Drinking plenty of water: Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day also prevents edema formation to a great extent.
  • Limiting salt consumption: Consuming very salty foods is one of the most common causes of edema. Therefore, you should not take more than 5 grams of salt per day.
  • Pineapple: One of the fruits with edema-reducing effect, pineapple is recommended for those with water retention complaints.
  • Parsley: Parsley, which is a very powerful antioxidant, also has an anti-edema effect. You can squeeze the juice with a juicer or include it in your daily meals.
  • Cherry stalk: Cherry stalk, which you will use by adding it to boiling water, shows a strong edema-reducing effect.
  • Banana: One of the numerous benefits of bananas, which is a rich source of potassium, is to remove edema from the body. You can also consume avocados and tomatoes.
  • Cucumber: With cucumber, which is 96% water, you can not only meet your body’s need for water, but also help to remove edema.
  • Pomegranate: With the fiber-rich pomegranate, you can both work your intestines and get rid of water retention.
  • Other foods: Radishes, milk, oats, blueberries, apricots…
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