8 Reasons Why Water Is Important to Human Health

Water not only makes you beautiful, but is also important for staying healthy – not only in hot weather. Here are 8 good reasons to refill your water glass more often.

Our metabolism cannot function without water, the most important component of our body. Especially on hot days or when we do sports we need enough of it – which does not mean that we have to stick to the neck of a bottle with our mouth. How much water we need per day depends on the individual. In addition, we also take up part of the liquid with our food. The German Society for Nutrition recommends drinking at least 1.5 litres a day, preferably water or other unsweetened drinks. That doesn’t sound like much, but especially in our everyday working life we like to forget to drink something in between. There are good reasons for this.

1. More energy and clear thoughts

Our brain consists of about 70 percent water. If we don’t get enough fluids, it makes it harder for us to concentrate. Instead of relying on coffee alone in the morning as a stimulant, start the day with a large glass of water. Peppermint, lemon balm or fruits such as raspberries provide more freshness and taste. Of course, you can still drink the coffee afterwards – because experts now believe that coffee extracts water from the body is a misconception.

2. Natural air conditioning

Are you one of those people who complain about poor or non-existent air conditioning in the office? Sure, it’s annoying. But faster than the technical upgrading of the workplace is the reach for a water bottle. With enough liquid, our body can regulate its own temperature and cool our skin by sweating.

3. Better than Botox

Water is the simplest and cheapest beauty product. If we drink enough of it, our skin looks young and radiant. On the other hand, if we are dehydrated, small wrinkles appear more clearly.

4. Strong defence

If we supply our body with sufficient fluid, we also do something good for our immune system: water quickly flushes toxins and germs out of our system – and protects us from colds or cystitis.

5. A real sports friend

More important than any power bar: Drinking enough water during training pays off in several ways – because three quarters of our muscles are made up of water. If they can work properly, we last longer and better. We get cramps or strains less often. In addition, our muscles recover more quickly after exercise. Water also keeps the cartilage mass elastic, which in turn prevents joint pain.

6. Accomplice in losing weight

Unfortunately, those who hold back on eating often save on drinking. However, the exact opposite would be correct, because especially during a diet one should drink enough. And not only as an appetite suppressant before every meal. Drinking a glass of water regularly prevents hunger pangs, because often we are not really hungry but simply dehydrated.

7. Instead of tablets

The banging and stinging in your head can drive you crazy, sure. But instead of taking a pill right away, think again whether you have perhaps drunk too little. Because with headaches the body sometimes simply demands more water.

8. The intestines thank

We don’t like to talk about it, but: Only if stomach and intestines feel well, we will be fine. And water is and remains the best thing we can supply our digestive system. Because if our body needs more fluid, it draws water from the large intestine, which can lead to hard stool and constipation. While other drinks can impair our digestion, water reliably provides movement in the system.

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