8 Nutrients Containing the Most Healthy Fats

Fatty foods do not always provide us gain weight. There are some fats that no harm to our body as well as there are benefits. We explain 8 nutrients that containing the most healthy fat you need to consume at least once a week!

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]1[/mks_highlight] Avocado

Avocado is a unique fruit that you can consume easily every day. It is filled with the vitamins your body needs and with good monounsaturated fatty acids. Avocado, which helps digestion, removes hunger a long time, fights cancer and beautifies the skin. You can prefer avocado at morning, lunch or dinner.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]2[/mks_highlight] Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon are great for your health. The salmon is rich in omega 3 as well as fat, which helps to prevent arthritis, heart disease and many diseases.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]3[/mks_highlight] Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Did you know that those who consume regular olive oil live longer? Extra virgin olive oil is a nutrient that you must add to your nutritional routine. Take care to consume your salads and dishes with olive oil. Choose olive oil as well as extra virgin.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]4[/mks_highlight] Full-Fat Yogurt

People think that low-fat yogurt is healthier, but often low-fat things contain more sugar. Full-fat yogurt has good fats and improves your digestion thanks to healthy probiotics.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]5[/mks_highlight] Dried Fruits and Nuts

Nuts are the foods that contain the most natural fat for health. Walnut is great for brain health and prevents cardiovascular problems, almonds are full of antioxidants, peanuts is a major source of selenium.

Make it a habit to consume nuts at between meals. Keep in mind that It is healthier to consume raw nuts.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]6[/mks_highlight] Egg

We all know that the egg is a high protein source. Egg yolk also contains good oils and all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids you need. If you’re worried about cholesterol, you can be sure that consuming a few eggs a week will not increase your cholesterol levels.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]7[/mks_highlight] Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most healthy fats to be consumed. You can also use this oil when frying.

You can add coconut oil into many things. You can use this food as a beauty product and as well as add it to your desserts and coffees.

[mks_highlight color=”#317dbf”]8[/mks_highlight] Ghee

Ghee, known as plain oil, is the most pure oil obtained from butter made from cow’s milk. By using this oil in your meals, you can make a contribution to your healthy diet.

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