8 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Freckles on Face

Congenital or acquired facial freckles can be quite annoying. There are ways to get rid of freckles, which become visible with the effect of sunlight, especially in summer. It is possible to deal with your freckles with natural remedies at home.

If you are tired of the freckles you are constantly trying to cover with makeup, we have good news for you. You can get rid of the freckles that are not congenital, but later caused by the effect of the sun, by applying natural methods regularly.

1. Lemon juice

Lemon Juice fo Freckles

Squeeze the juice of lemon, which is a source of vitamin C and antioxidants, and apply it to your freckles with the help of a cotton ball. If you want, you can peel off the skin of the lemon and peel the inside.

2. Rosehip

rosehip for freckles

Rich in vitamin C, rosehip lightens freckles. It is enough to rub rosehip oil on your freckles twice a day and wait for it to dry.

3. Strawberry

strawberry for freckles

Strawberry is also a very effective food in lightening the color of skin blemishes. After crushing the strawberries once a week, you can apply it all over your face, leave it for about an hour and wash it off with warm water.

4. Baking soda & yogurt

baking soda and yogurt for freckles

After mixing the baking soda and yogurt thoroughly, apply it like a mask on your freckles and let it sit for about 20 minutes. You can use this method, which you will wash with warm water, twice a week.

5. Tomato

tomato for freckles

Tomato, known for its ability to purify the skin from toxins and regenerate cells, is also effective on freckles. It will be enough to apply tomato juice and keep it for a while.

6. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar for freckles

Apply the natural apple cider vinegar you put on a cotton ball every night before going to bed. You will benefit from this method that balances the PH of the skin and lightens its color.

7. Egg & Honey

egg and honey for freckles

You can mix the egg whipped with honey and apply it to your freckled area. The moisturizing and structuring properties of honey will be effective in the nutritiousness of the egg.

8. Parsley & Lemon

parsley and lemon juice for freckles

Mixing parsley juice and lemon juice will also be beneficial. At the same time, adding cinnamon powder to lemon juice is also effective to protect the area you apply from the sun.

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