7 Things You Should Never Store in Your Bathroom

Our bathroom – also known as the place where we keep everything we use every morning. The problem: Not everything is in good hands here. We will tell you what that is.

Shower gel, nail polish, toothbrushes, make-up brushes and 300 hair rubbers. In our bathrooms we actually keep just about everything. It makes total sense – at least we think so. In many cases it is not. There are a few things that you should NEVER store in the bathroom. Here are seven of them:

1. Perfume

We know that this will shock many of you now: you should never leave perfume in the bathroom. The reason: The humidity and the high temperatures ensure that your favorite perfume loses its fragrance or even tips over much faster. And we don’t want that under any circumstances! Put your scents on a sideboard in the bedroom or on the bedside table. They are safe there – and they look pretty too.

2. Make-up

If you belong to the category “In-Bathroom Finishers”, then you should immediately think of a new routine. Moisture and above all the heat ensure that even liquid products such as foundations and concealers do not last as long. Both are best kept in places protected from light and heat. The best place to store them is in school stores or cupboards. Now you finally have an argument to buy a make-up room.

3. Brush

Warmth, high humidity and used brushes – the epitome of a bacteria stove. If you have your make-up brushes neatly lined up on your bathroom shelf, you are creating the basis for pimples and inflammation. No thanks! You should clean your brushes regularly anyway (and we don’t mean every three months!), but if you store them in the wrong place, they won’t help. It’s better to set up a small dressing table in the bedroom and put the brushes on it. This is definitely safer and also more practical.

4. Shaver

Okay, we admit: A razor actually belongs in the bathroom. But only if you dry it well after use. Otherwise the blades rust super fast and you have to change them all the time. That will be expensive … Nevertheless, heat and humidity will still damage your razor. You can delay this, but you can’t prevent it.

5. Electrical appliances

Do you like listening to music while showering or watching your favorite series on the iPad in the bathtub? Sounds great, but it’s not a good idea in the long run! The moisture in the air can damage your devices. Therefore, you should either only use devices that are specially made for the bathroom, or you should immediately bring your cell phone etc. back to another room when you are finished in the bathroom. Alternatively, you can just sing yourself, that’s at least as much fun and also saves electricity. 💡

6. Nail polish

Your nail polish dries up constantly? That could be because you keep it in the bathroom. It’s like a sauna. Water vapor and humidity ensure that the paint becomes more and more viscous and at some point simply dries up. The best thing to do is to put your favorite paints in the refrigerator – that’s where they stay nice and fluid and last the longest.

7. Sun cream

Heat and sunscreen are not compatible. Because the high temperatures can impair the effect. Humidity can promote the formation of mold. If you want to be on the safe side, it is best to store your sunscreen in a separate drawer or beach bag. This is the best way to protect it. And do not forget: Opened sunscreen has a maximum shelf life of 12 to 24 months. After that, the protection no longer works.

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