7 Myths About Sweat

Probably nobody can stand him, but we can’t escape our sweat either. We will explain seven myths of this unpleasant phenomenon.

If there are some unpleasant stains on the new white blouse under the armpits, we are usually annoyed at first. Against sweat no herb seems to have grown so really. But as little as we like the annoying liquid – sweat is vital for the body. Because it is cooled when the sweat evaporates – and thus protects itself from overheating.

What’s the matter? 7 myths about sweat

As far as sweating is concerned, there are a lot of prejudices. But what is really true? We examine seven myths about sweat.

1. Cold drinks protect against sweat

It would be nice – especially when it’s really hot outside and the sweat is just running. But in fact the opposite happens: We cool our stomach with the cold drink, which is pleasant at first. But the brain gets the signal that it’s too cold – promptly the body temperature is raised. Better: lukewarm drinks, for example tea.

2. Sweat always smells unpleasant

This is not true: fresh sweat is almost odourless. Exception: In teenagers, a hormonal change can ensure that fresh sweat also smells. But why do we then so often have the unpleasant “smell of sweat” in our nose? This is due to bacteria that eventually decompose the sweat. This is because long-chain fatty acids are broken down into small molecules, such as butyric acid. And this produces an odour matching its name that is reminiscent of rancid butter – our “smell of sweat”.

3. We sweat most under the armpits

Sounds crazy, but: In fact, less than one percent sweat is produced under the armpits. But then where do the huge sweat stains on the blouse come from? The problem is our arms: Since they usually cover the armpits, the sweat can evaporate less easily here. So it stays on the skin – and causes the unsightly stains. In addition, bacteria can spread particularly well in the damp heat of the armpits – which is why the sweat smell mentioned above is most likely to develop there.

4. Fit people sweat less

On the contrary! The more trained a person is, the sooner they start sweating. Because: The body of an athlete reacts immediately when his temperature rises slightly and immediately begins the cooling process through sweating. This causes the body temperature to rise more slowly – which in turn improves performance. In short: athletes sweat faster and more than less fit people, but also more effectively.

5. You lose weight through sweating

I’m afraid not. You don’t lose weight just by sweating alone – at least not in the way you might think and, above all, would like to. Because through heavy sweating, for example in the sauna, we primarily lose fluid. Normally this is about 100 to 500 millilitres a day. People who have been extremely physically active all day can even lose one to two liters of fluid through sweating. You can see this on the scales – but it is vital to compensate for this loss of fluid! If you want to lose weight, you should make sure you change your diet and get enough exercise. And a look at our weight loss tips can certainly do no harm either.

6. Women and men sweat equally

That’s not true either. Men sweat more and faster than women. This is caused by the male hormone testosterone, which opens the sweat ducts. However, during the menopause, women also sweat more, which can lead to real hot flushes. The reason: during the menopause the amount of testosterone in the female body increases.

7. We do not sweat in winter

Also a false assumption. Even in winter, the body has to regulate its own temperature, if only because the difference in temperature between outside and inside is enormous. We put on thick clothes to be protected from the cold winter air – and usually wear clothing that is not very breathable. Unfortunately, it is clear that sweat can collect underneath – especially when we enter a warm house again, wrapped up so thickly.

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