7 Effective Methods to Get Rid of Female Facial Hair

A female facial hair is considered an unaesthetic beauty problem. Whether epilator or depilatory cream – we have seven hair removal treatments.

For women, hair is the epitome of femininity and at the same time an absolute sanctuary, which is honored with an extensive care program. But hair on the face? Most people do not want it! We have seven effective tips on how to get rid of that facial hair!

1. Removing facial hair: Shaving

A particularly fast and inexpensive method of hair removal is shaving. Disadvantage: The hair grows back much too quickly and stubbly.

2. Plucking

If only a few hairs above the upper lip bothers you can help with the tweezers and simply pluck the hair away. However, this treatment is likely to take longer and be more painful. In addition, the facial hair unfortunately grows back quickly.

3. Waxing & Sugaring

In these treatments, hot wax or a sugar paste is applied above the upper lip and then removed with a jerk using a fleece strip. Advantage: The hair removal lasts up to four weeks. Disadvantages: These methods are much more painful. In addition, the hair must be at least three millimeters long. Sensitive skin can also react to the waxing or sugaring with irritation. If you don’t have as much practice in waxing and sugaring, you can also have your facial hair done by a professional.

4. Epilator

With the epilator, the hairs are removed together with the root, similar to tweezers. Unfortunately, this method is also not completely painless and the hairs could break off. But the hairs can be removed particularly accurately with the epilator fine hairs.

5. IPL method

A good way to get rid of facial hair permanently is hair removal with laser. With the IPL technique (“Intense Pulsed Light”), light flashes act on the hair follicle and the pigment (melanin) in the hair and inhibit growth. The flashes take place every two weeks, for one to ten minutes depending on the region. Prerequisite for IPL: The skin must be light and the hair dark, otherwise the laser will not recognize the hair. Without burning or tweezing, the facial hair disappears after about three months. So that the hairs never come back, treatment then only has to be carried out every one or two months.

6. Depilatory cream

You can get rid of your facial hair completely painlessly with a depilatory cream. The disadvantages of this treatment, however, are the unpleasant smell of sulfur and the risk of skin irritation. In any case, it is important to keep the exact application time!

7. Bleaching

Instead of removing the facial hair, you can also just bleach it. The hairs will then remain, but will not be as visible.

These are the causes for the unwanted hair growth

Sure, the facial hair is annoying, but it’s nothing bad. The cause of the unloved hair growth is usually an increased production of the male hormone testosterone the cause. But an increased androgen concentration also influences the formation of facial hair.

In medical circles there is talk of hirsutism. The lack of the hormone estrogen, caused for example by menopause, can also promote hair growth. In many cases, the visible hairs above the upper lip are simply genetic or due to a hormonal imbalance. Other diseases of the ovaries or adrenal glands, for example, or the use of certain drugs such as hormone preparations can also be possible triggers for facial hair. However, this does not lead to hirsutism, but rather to increased downy hair.

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