6 Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight

Losing weight is your biggest dream, but can’t you succeed? Maybe it’s because you make the same mistakes all the time! Here are the 6 mistakes that are made frequently …

1) Calorie Calculation

Women who diet under the supervision of a dietitian, after learning the calories of their daily food, calculating the calories of lunch and dinner, they try to consume ice cream, sweets, fast food or other foods that are equivalent to those calories. But this method disrupts the balance. Since the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates required to be taken daily cannot be met, the diet cannot be effective because the content percentages are not equal even if the calories are equivalent.

2) Having a Snack

Those who apply slimming diet, find snacks unnecessary and may not do it. However, snacks prevent the person from receiving a signal of famine even if the desk does the job, thus preventing him from holding the fats as a storage. The metabolism works much faster in people who have a snack. Even if desk work is done, the body continues to spend energy and uses energy from fats. If the snack is not had, the body meets the energy it needs from the muscles. Thus, instead of burning fat, there is muscle breakdown.

3) Detecting Diet List Incorrectly

Occasionally, in diets like ice cream, desserts or homemade burgers can be recommended. For example, ice creams should not be consumed because they are high calorie. Consuming dessert and ice cream with chocolate, hazelnut and peanut sauces causes the body to get a lot of sugar and fat. If you are going to eat dessert, you should prefer milk puddings.

4) Affecting by Society

Slimming is planned considering the specific diets specific to the diseases, nutrition programs, individual health conditions, daily nutrition, working life, stress and motivation level. If the person has difficulty in dieting, she cannot continue her diet due to lack of support. “A slice of pizza is not a problem for diet!” sentences, such as sabotaging and beguiling, seems to be enough reasons to disrupt the diet.

5) Cream and Aromas in Coffee

Cold weather increases the consumption of hot drinks and hot weather increases the consumption of cold drinks. Both have a hidden danger! Cream and aromas… They return in both quantity, fat and sugar. As with food, you should not overdo it with drinks. Black coffee has almost no calories. However, when mixed with coffee, aroma and cream, it reaches about 400-500 calories. In addition, extra fat and sugar are stored.

6) Beverages

Consuming 2-2.5 liters of water per day is the most essential part of a healthy diet. Edema is one of the most uncomfortable issues in the summer months. Water is the most effective way to get rid of excess water (edema) accumulated in the body. The most important preventive of edema is to consume less caffeine and drink plenty of water instead of beverages. The fact that beverages are in liquid form does not mean that they replace water. In addition, when we generalize the soft drinks or beverages, “Could you eat an average of 20 cubes of sugar at the same time?” need to ask the question.

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