5 Ways to Deal with Dry Skin

In the cold winter months, we observe that the dryness of our skin increases. In addition to dryness on the skin, we begin to feel symptoms such as flaking and redness. We notice these symptoms more intensely, especially on our face, which is open to the external environment. Well, dry skin is a sign of which disease? Here are some tips on what to do with dry skin…

1. Do not shower with very hot water

Prolonged skin contact with hot water damages the skin and creates skin dryness. Frequent repetitions cause cracks in the skin, and after a while there is a risk of infection of these cracks. In addition, it should not be forgotten that untreated skin dryness will invite diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Capillaries in the skin, which are under hot water for a long time, are adversely affected by this situation.

2. Dont’t Scrub on your face

Frequent scrubbing with a hard fiber damages the leather. The protective tissue on the surface of our skin is damaged. Damage to this tissue, especially on the face, may mean an invitation to different skin diseases and dry skin. In addition, making a dense pouch will cause moisture loss of the skin.

3. Moisture your skin

Our dry skin will become sensitive faster and the skin surface will become hard as it loses moisture. For this reason, it is necessary to use products that relax the skin and make the skin soft during the winter months. Keeping the skin moist prevents skin dryness and cracks.

4. Drink lots of water

All cells in our body need water to regenerate. Our skin tends to collect water in general. The skin that collects water causes edema and swelling. The less water the body needs, the less swelling will be. Drinking plenty of water also keeps the skin moist and prevents skin dryness. Drinking plenty of water keeps the pores in the skin open. Keeping the skin alive also slows down the age-related wrinkle formation.

5. Can the skin’s moisture need be supplemented externally?

Applications that will supplement the skin’s moisture need from the outside are also extremely important. A few of these applications are particularly noteworthy. Nucleofill application, which is applied to the skin by injection, helps to moisturize the tissues thanks to its ability to bind to a high amount of water. It is aimed to increase the amount of moisture in the skin, which decreases with age, environmental factors or insufficient care. In addition, it is preferred because it has a strong lifting effect and restores skin elasticity by increasing collagen.

Another application that gives moisture to the skin is Milan Youth Elixir (UpGrade). This application is a cocktail that contains many substances, vitamins and antioxidants that regulate the moisture of the skin. Milan Youth Elixir helps the skin to regenerate with tissue repair by giving vitality, moisture and elasticity to the skin. The application, which aims to revitalize and moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity, aims to remove fine wrinkles and open up blemishes.

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