5 Sunscreen Mistakes We Make Every Summer

Who doesn’t know? You cream yourself before the sun and still get a nasty sunburn. You do something wrong, don’t you? We’ll explain it!

As soon as the sun appears, we are happy to finally give our pale winter skin a fresh summer glow again. Then it’s time to quickly apply some sunscreen and head out into the sun. But before you know it, you’ll get a nasty sunburn instead of a fresh summer tan. Stop it! We clarify which typical sunscreen mistakes we have all made before and will avoid from now on. After all, the right sun protection is extremely important, especially for our skin health, but also for preventing wrinkles. Here we go:

1. Not thorough enough

The heel, ears, back of the thigh and eyelids are four of the best known places that are often overlooked. But the skin around the swimwear is also often left out for fear of accidental stains on the clothes. Better: Put on all the cream before you get dressed – and get help with the back. If you’re lucky, a mini back massage is included.

2. Everything still fresh?

In fact, not only food has an expiry date – but also our sun protection. So: Say goodbye to the sunscreen from your last Malle holiday. Most sprays and creams that have already been opened usually last for 12 months before the protective mechanism wears off. If the tube is still unopened, however, the shelf life is 30 months.

3. Don’t be stingy

A lot helps a lot – is the motto when applying the sun cream. When it comes to the health of our skin, avarice is not cool. Imagine a golf ball of sun cream in the optimal amount for the entire body. For sprays, the pharmaceutical brand Eucerin, for example, recommends 15 pump strokes per body region. And be sure to apply half an hour before, so that the protection can take effect in time.

4. Did you put any cream on it?

Who hasn’t? We put sunscreen on once before sunbathing and then it’s lazy. Before you know it, the moisturizer is off and you’re left alone. However, depending on your skin type, sun protection only works for a limited period of time and, due to sweat, water and friction, it wears off faster than you would like. If you want to be on the safe side, you should therefore reapply sunscreen once an hour.

5. I don’t have to put any cream under my clothes

Not correct! For example, a white T-shirt has a sun protection factor of just three. Would you have thought that? That is why it is important to apply cream all over your body before putting on your airy summer dress and going out into the strong sun. Because what is the motto? Better once too much than once too little.

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