5 Reasons for Breast Pain (Apart from Cancer)

Anyone who suffers from chest pain does not automatically have to be suffering from cancer. We will explain the five most common reasons for unpleasant breast pain.

1. The bra does not fit properly

Lingerie that is too tight, too wide or incorrectly fitted has negative effects on your breasts. An incorrectly fitted bra quickly leads to an unhealthy pressure on the breasts – a punctual pain is the result. On the other hand, if your breasts are not sufficiently supported, the up and down movements cause the sensitivity and pain. So take care to give your breasts the right support.

2. It is due to the period

Most frequently, breast complaints are due to the female cycle or to fluctuations in the sex hormones. In the first half of the cycle estrogens dominate the body, in the second half the body’s own progesterone, also known as the corpus luteum hormone. The changing rhythm of the hormones causes increased water retention in the breasts before the period – and the oedema then causes pain.

3. Medicines as the cause

A common reason for breast pain is hormonal contraception. This is because all medicines containing hormones can cause breast pain – especially the contraceptive pill. This is a natural reaction of the body to the hormonal changes. The so-called contraceptive stick, which contains progestin, can also cause discomfort in the breast.

4. The training is too hard

Have you done too many push-ups in the last few days or tried a new strength exercise? Then the sore muscles that spread out in the large pectoral muscle below the chest could feel like chest pain. In fact, it’s probably enough if you’ve been carrying or pulling something heavy – because even then the muscles above your breast tissue are strained and hurt as a result.

5. Breast is inflamed

Infections can also be a possible cause of chest (breast) pain. Especially in breastfeeding women, a so-called milk congestion can occur, which in turn can lead to breast inflammation. The first signs of such an inflammation are small painful “lumps”, which usually occur in the first two weeks of breastfeeding. In addition, redness in the breast area and a general feeling of discomfort develop, which is accompanied by muscle and limb pain and fever. By the way: Non-nursing women can also suffer from breast infections, e.g. from external wounds.

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