4 Things That Fitness Trainers Would Never Eat for Lunch

There are certain lunch dishes that are not suitable for fitness trainers. You can find out what they are and which foods they use instead below.

1. White bread

We like to reach for a sandwich or a sandwich roll on the way, when we get hungry for lunch. An absolute no-go for fitness trainers, after all, white bread is a real fattener. In contrast to wholemeal bread, it contains many “empty calories” that do not fill you up for long and cause ravenous appetite attacks. Laura Siegle, coach at Crossfit Outbreak, tells “Shape.com” what is on the menu for lunch instead: “My typical lunch consists of a salad of spinach, rocket or kale and two or three hard-boiled eggs. The combination of proteins and healthy fats is a must to keep energy levels high for the afternoon.”

2. Red meat

Red meat has long been suspected of increasing the risk of cancer – only if eaten en masse, of course. However, fitness trainer Brian Gallagher, founder of Throwback Fitness, does not choose red meat at lunchtime for another reason: “I avoid any kind of red meat for lunch because I often feel lethargic afterwards. I prefer to save the steaks for dinner when I can go to sleep afterwards. Instead, I resort to lighter meats, like chicken or fish, with salad or cooked vegetables.”

3. Energy bars

You sometimes reach for the energy bar at lunchtime? Not a good idea, because these protein snacks contain a lot of sugar and a long list of unusual ingredients for the body. “I’ve often made the mistake of reaching for energy bars in the past and always felt unsatisfied and hungry afterwards,” says Tracy Carlinsky, founder of Brooklyn Bodyburn, adding, “My go-to lunch is a salad with greens, lean proteins (chicken, salmon or egg), quinoa, raw nuts and avocado, dressed with lemon juice, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

4. Burger

Well, that doesn’t really come as a surprise: fitness trainers would never eat burgers or fast food in general for lunch. Because: burgers are prepared with unhealthy fats and also contain so-called “empty calories”. In addition, fast food is also eaten very quickly – the body does not perceive the signals of satiety, so that you devour considerably more calories.

Fitness trainer Simon Lawson tells “Shape.com”: “I love burgers, but unfortunately the quality of the meat in most fast food chains is poor underground. When I need a quick protein boost for lunch, I eat chicken. I also add a little sweet potato – a nutritious and satisfying meal.”

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