4 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Damp in Your Car

The seats are clammy, the windows steam up and it just feels uncomfortable: Damp in the car is not only unpleasant, it can also be dangerous for your vehicle and your health ..

Does it smell slightly musty in your car or does it always have steamed-up windows even in dry weather? Then there is too much damp in your car. Something can be done about it. Tips and tricks against damp in your car!

Causes of dampness

The reason for this unpleasant condition can be

  • clogged procedures,
  • porous rubber seals,
  • rust stains,
  • a clogged filter,
  • but also wet clothes or shoes.

Do you often go into the car with wet shoes and soak the floor mats with them or are the rain drains blocked and the water can seep into the ventilation or footwell? If you want to do something about the damp, you must first find the cause. You can easily check for leaks yourself:

Hose down the car or dump a bucket of water over suspicious areas and see where it leaks. You can also put a second person in the car to keep an eye on it.

What you can do if your car is damp

If it is already damp in the car, here are four tips on what you can do about it

  1. Keep footwell dry: Remove moisture from the mats by dumping the water and letting them dry. Old newspaper under the rubber mat can also help to absorb moisture. Remember to replace it quickly. Do not leave wet clothes and umbrellas in the car unnecessarily.
  2. Get a dehumidifier: Dehumidifier cushions for cars are available in stores. Alternatively, a household remedy such as rice or salt can be used: hang a bag (e.g. of tea towel or sock) filled with it in the car. Also works with cat litter, which also binds damp.
  3. Turn on the air conditioning: The air conditioner is used in summer temperatures – so it is not necessary in winter. But it can help against the moisture in the car, because it pulls it out of the interior. Recirculating air, however, is of no use to you, as only the same air (including the humidity!) is circulated.
  4. Workshop: If there is already a musty smell in the car, it is possible that water generally runs into the interior and collects behind the dashboard, for example. In such cases it is of no use: The next trip leads to a workshop. In addition to the danger of rusting your car if it is constantly damp, mould can also be dangerous to your health.

In order to prevent damp from developing in the first place, we will introduce more tricks to help prevent it in the following!

4 tips to prevent damp in the car

  • Remove leaves: Remove leaves from your vehicle and look for places such as the recess between the bonnet and windscreen to prevent them from clogging and water from entering the ventilation system. It’s best not only to remove the coarse leaves, but also to walk along with the vacuum cleaner to clear the drains completely.
  • Check points: Check not only the rain drains, but also the seals. Especially the sunroof, the trunk lid and the antenna base should be kept in mind.
  • Maintain seals: Over time, rubber seals become porous. Rubber care sticks, for example, help to prevent this by keeping them supple. However, if they are already too old, they should be replaced.
  • Cabin filter: This should be changed regularly (according to manufacturer’s instructions) to ensure optimum air circulation. If it is clogged, this is prevented and damp and the development of fungi and bacteria is encouraged. As a guide, remember that the cabin filter should be replaced about once a year.
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