4 Most Common Reasons for Divorce According to Research

No couple get married for divorce. But sometimes things don’t go the way we want. Divorce is just as natural as getting married. So, what are the reasons that drive couples to decide to divorce?

The researchers found interesting results in their survey with 44% who initiated the divorce themselves, 40% who were divorced at the request of their partner, 16% who were divorced with an agreement and an average age of 45. Here are the four most common reasons for divorce …

Lack of Love or Intimacy

The most common reason for filing for divorce is the lack of love and intimacy between couples. 47% of the participants say that the love between them is over and that it causes them to leave. Some of the participants describe the lack of love as follows; “I didn’t feel anything for her”, “after 20 years of marriage, she didn’t love me anymore.”

Communication Problems

44% of the research participants chose communication problems as one of the reasons for divorce. This answer once again reveals the importance of communication in every aspect of our lives. In particular, the couples’ problems, happiness and desire to solve each other by speaking and trying to understand each other, is shown as the basic secret of a happy relationship.

Loss of Respect or Trust

The third most popular reason for divorce is the lack of respect and loss of trust among couples. Participants said that a breach of trust or irreparable trust has ended their marriage. Some of the participants emphasized that loss of respect had a huge impact on their divorce.

Meet at Common Ground Problem

In a healthy relationship, couples grow and transform in harmony with each other. According to the research, the fourth most common reason for divorce was that couples could not meet at common ground. The open-ended responses of the participants to this category were “We were very different in terms of values and attitudes and we wanted something different with our lives”.

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