4 Effective Yoga Exercises Against Menstrual Cramps

Many women suffer from menstrual cramps during their periods. Besides warmth and relaxation, these yoga exercises also help to alleviate the discomfort.

Anyone suffering from severe menstrual pain should not only take medication or use a hot water bottle. Sometimes simple sports exercises can also help to reduce the pain. Yoga relaxes the body and promotes even breathing, which in turn relieves the cramps. But which exercises actually help?

1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

This yoga posture, which is called Balasana in the technical language, is particularly calming and relaxing. In this exercise, you kneel on the yoga mat and first sit on the verses. The knees are hip-wide apart, the big toes touch each other. Now you bend your upper body forward until your belly lies on your thighs and your forehead touches the floor. Put your hands in front or beside your body, your shoulders sink down and relax. Concentrate on breathing and stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.

2. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

The bow pose, also called Dhanurasana, is not only supposed to relieve menstrual cramps, but also to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. And this is how it works: At the beginning you lie down on the mat with a flat stomach, your head laid to the side, your arms lying next to your body. Now raise your arms and bring them together behind your back, bending your legs. With your hands you grasp your ankle cuffs, keeping your knees always hip-wide. Look straight ahead or straight onto the mat. When breathing in, lift your chest off the floor, slowly rocking back and forth. After about ten breaths the grip is released and the body relaxed.

3. Cat Cow Pose (Marjaryasana)

The cat pose (Marjaryasana) brings stretching and flexibility to the back, gives strength to the spine and helps against tension, tiredness and stress. Optimal against menstrual pain. First you sit in the heel seat in the middle of the yoga mat, your hands rest on your legs. Now make a forward bend forward so that your hands come to the floor. The palms of your hands lie flat, the fingertips point forward. When breathing in, pull in your navel, tilt your pelvis forward so that your spine is pressed towards the ceiling. The head bends down. When you exhale, bring your spine back into a straight line, retract your stomach and stretch your head upwards. Repeat this exercise a few times.

4. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The cobra exercise, also called Bhujangasana, strengthens and stretches the back, buttocks and arm muscles. It also opens, liberates and gives new self-confidence. And this is how it works: Lie flat on your stomach with your legs and arms stretched out parallel to your body. The palms of your hands point down, the backs of your feet are on the mat. Now the hands are supported close to the body at the level of the navel, the upper body is pushed away from the floor with the arms. The elbows remain close to the body. Put your head slightly back into the neck and look up. Hold for fifteen seconds and lie down flat again, repeat three times.

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